Happy Solstice! We have a meta-gift for you: Honeygrams!
Meta-gift? Yes, you can now gift your honey money (FKA premium credit), even to people who don’t yet have a Beeminder account (give the gift of Beeminder?). It looks like this:
If you put an email address in the “To” field instead of a Beeminder username, that person will be notified, we’ll help get them set up, and then transfer the honey to them. If they fail to get set up, you keep your honey. Or if they happen to already have a Beeminder account, the honey will transfer to them instantly.
It’s Beeminder’s new currency and a way to pre-pay for derailments. It also generalizes the old premium credit feature. We’ve just now added a Honey Money FAQ to our help docs for reference.
We’ve been experimenting with this as a hidden beta feature for a while and have been slow to announce it more widely because it’s involved kind rewriting all our backend code that deals with payments and premium credit. There’s a lot more to say about it and we intend additional blog posts. For now we’ll focus on why we built this.
In the beginning there was premium premium credit…
We’ve long used premium credit for bounties or thank-yous or apologies, or occasionally as refunds. Also student discounts and similar. You can see the gory details in our help doc or the even gorier details in our internal spec from which we implemented it.
Honey Money is the same thing but can also, optionally, work for derailments. It’s a way to prepay for a derailment by depositing money with Beeminder before you actually derail. When you derail we draw from that balance first before charging your credit card.
(Of course users shouldn’t have to care about this, if they want to just give us a payment method like usual to be charged whenever they derail. If someone does somehow end up with honey money they don’t want applied to derailments, we intend to keep that as an option.)
Anyway, we ended up accumulating a whole list of reasons we wanted people to at least have the option to prepay for derailments:
Of course it’s the last one that kicked us out of maybe-someday mode.
So there you have it. Honey Money is now the coin of the realm. Go ahead, click on it: