BiddyBee lets people offer bounties (using honey money) for Beeminder features, or anything else you might want to offer bounties for. We collect honey the honey for each thing and then either build the thing and keep the honey or return the honey with interest.
True fact. Also the related problem that business realities may dictate priorities. But we can put arbitrary amounts of our own honey on the features or fixes we want to or need to prioritize. If users also chip in, that’s icing. In the worst case, it’s not worse than the status quo.
No problem, it’s satisfaction guaranteed or your honey back. (Note that honey is never redeemable as cash, only store credit at Beeminder.) Or some of your honey back if you got some of what you paid for. We can just trust users to be honest about this.
Managing expectations is key. We can be clear that realistically we’ll usually be doing boring business-y things or our own pet features. Putting honey on your pet features probably amounts to storing your honey in another bank account. But that’s ok! You’ll either get your feature or you’ll get that honey back.
(Maybe we even let you pull your honey back out at any time, until we start working on the thing the bounty is for, at which point it would make sense to freeze it?)
We just nix it and return the honey. Or maybe we don’t approve it in the first place.
Maybe it actually helps with that? We can start with the things we want to or need to do anyway, dump honey on them, and encourage users to do so as well. There are plenty of cases where we’re happy for tiebreakers. Either way, it’s a fire under our butts to ship things.